The popular version of the legend of Mount Bromo resembles this: a long time ago, somewhere in Pananjakan Mountain, there was a female who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The woman, believed to be a descendant of a god, did not cry when she is born. For this reason, she was named RaraAnteng. She climbed up to the very beautiful girl that attracted so many young men in East Java. RaraAnteng was not curious to all those men that fell in love with her since she already put her heart for somebody else: a handsome priest’s son called JokoSeger.
Nevertheless, there was a priest that fell in love with her planned to force her into marriage. He awakened to RaraAnteng about his magical skill and what lovely things he can perform, and since RaraAnteng was a soft-spoken woman, she couldn’t deny him. Consequently, she asked the pirate to demonstrate his words by building her a seat at the center of the mountain using coconut cubes in 1 night. RaraAnteng was worried when she saw the progress that the pirates made.
Thus, she concocted a plan to foil the program. She pounded rice using traditional mortar and pestle hard, producing sounds which awakened the roosters. Hearing the roosters crowing, the pirate thought that he had been overdue. Upset and dissatisfied, he pulled his coconut shell off, which dropped alongside Mount Bromo and turned into a brand-new mountain named Mount Batok. RaraAnteng and JokoSeger were eventually able to be together how Tengger Folks Were Born. The favorite narrative and legend of Mount Bromo did not stop in the marriage of RaraAnteng and JokoSeger, and they became the oldest rulers of Tengger individuals.
They built a settlement and became a couple of rulers named PurbowasesaMangkuratIngtengger, literally means The Benevolent Tengger Rulers. , The title Tengger, was allegedly taken in parts of the titles, Anteng and Seger. But they grieved until they did not get kids after years of marriage. They afterward climbed to the very top of Bromo to plead, and so were assured kids, with the state that their youngest kid was sacrificed to the gods. RaraAnteng and JokoTengger later had 25 kids, but because they did not want to sacrifice any of their children, they strove to prevent fulfilling the promise. This made the gods angry, and Mount Bromo burned, the smoke and the fire as a result. The fire later asserted the youngest son of RaraAnteng and JokoTengger, yanking him into the crater. The child’s soul afterward asked his parents to provide presents at the same time each year to Mount Bromo to appease the gods, and this legend of Mount Bromo became the foundation of Kasada Ceremony Tengger people did annually.
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